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Nautical Jewelry and Boating Gifts available.

  • Description
    The 12 Volt Doctor's Alternator Book by Edgar J Beyn simplifies the mysteries of the boat's alternator which is the prime source of power on almost every boat. This comb-bound book lays flat when open for hands-free work. Simple drawings and clear instructions help the reader identify alternators and understand how they work. This user-friendly book covers topics such as: field connections, brushes, internal regulators, idiot lights, tachometer regulators, and the basics of how to take an alternator apart.
  • Comb-bound style
  • Simple drawings & clear instructions
  • Topics include: field instructions, brushes, internal regulators, idiot lights, tachometer connections, identification of terminals, testing procedures, emergency repairs, connecting regulators
  • ISBN: 1 878797 02 6

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